Thursday, December 29, 2011


Happy Holidays!
Hope everyone had a super cool Christmas. I got some really cool things, below are my two favorites!
I'm having lots of fun playing with them.
What kind of cool things did you get?

DSO Quad - 4 Channel Digital Storage Oscilloscope

4WD Arduino Compatible Mobile Platform

If you didn't get your 3x3x3 LED Cube Arduino Shield for Christmas..get one or two today!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

ZombieTech Interview (Podcast)

I was interviewed by ZombieTech last week. It's live right now! Here's the link. It's 1 hour long.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

why you should buy a arduino

To start of the list of reasons you should buy a arduino  #1  there just flat out awesome. The type of arduino that i use the most is the arduino uno.
#2 you can do anything with arduino from blinking a led to making a animatronic Friend.
#3 you will learn how to program.
#4you will use it almost every day.
#5you will be able to do hundreds of arduino projects .
#6 you can buy my led cube shield.
#7it will give you endless hours of entertainment and fun.
#8you could make your own shield and make money off of it.
#9it will open a whole new world to you.
#10you could make it respond to twitter or tweet.
I could go on forever.

Sunday, December 4, 2011


FUNDRAISING has begun again.

In order for us to go to Maker Faire San Matteo, Detroit and New York - we need to fundraise around $6,000.00. Geez, that sounds like alot - but we did it last year so we can do it again!

The fundraising button on the right is ready to be used again. 

Thanks for all who helped last year!

Saturday, December 3, 2011


i published a instructables yesterday on my 3x3x3 led cube arduino shield and withen 1hr it was featured and i got a 3 month pro membership :) . it allready as 969 views. it is the 3rd one to the right.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

school club

yesterday at club I was teaching and one kid seemed to be very interested in electronics.I thought him a couple of the basic electrical components and there schematic forms.sense he remembered every thing so well I gave him a challenge.That challenge was to look up the resister color code and memorise it.So the next day i bumped into his brother at school and he told me that he had memorized the resistor color code,and was Reading it!I was sooooooo surprised when his brother told me because he memorized the resister code in one day!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

mitch altman comes over

Mitch altman came over to day to do a speech to my club at school. It was rely neet and rely nice of him. All the kids want his kits now. After club we went to breakfast at Denny's.we talked a long time there about electronics and other things. when were done at Denny's we haded over to my house and I showed him my office & he liked it :).We were trying to make this radio recever and emitter work when my grand parents came in and met Mitch. Thay were calling him mitch god.When they left we finished making the receiver and emitter work but there are stell a couple of problems with it picking up other thing.After that  we talked for over 15 min.Mitch invited me to a trip to china i think for 3 weeks.The only problem is that it will caust $1000 and i will have to fundrase that along with the maker faire money.I only have one comment on that AWESOME.:) Mitch sad that i need to get a Oscilloscope so we looked for one and found a good one on seeedstudiol. I gave Mitch a led cube kit and extra pare of the receiver and emitter so he cold try to fix the bugs in it.thrue out the whole day I have ben smiling and my cheeks hurt now.Today was ausom I coldint beleve what was going on.The day was boss,radical,awesome,crazy,wicked.Big thanks to Mitch altman your awesome

Monday, November 21, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

thing you need to have to be a beginner maker.

If you’re looking to get started doing electronics, you might be wondering what do you need to get started. Well I’m going to list the things that every beginner should have.

To start of every person should have a bread board. Bread boards are a important part in beginning electronics. Bread boards allow you to make your circuit without soldering, allowing you to move parts around and fix any problem you might have in the circuit.

Another thing that you will need is electronic components. Elenco electronics has a great pack of components that comes with a book of things to make with the components it gives you. Components are a really a important part. You really can’t do much without them. This is a list of components I frequently use LEDs,transesters,capaciters,resisters,transformers,diods,potentcheamiters, ICs, and more and each component has several deferent forms.

Also soldering iron's are a very important. Soldering irons are often used to solder your projects on to either perf board or a kit you bought or made. But along with the soldering iron your going to need to buy solder, solder sucker, tweezers wire clippers, and helping hands. Solder iron is a great tool to have.

Arduino is another fantastic thing to have. You can program your arduino to do almost anything. With the arduino you can open a whole new world of making. You can even learn haw to program. But to program you will need a computer or laptop.

So to list all the things a beginner maker should have.
  1. Bread board
  2. electrical components such as resister,transister,transformer,capasiter,LEDs,diods,ICs,Potentiometer, ect
  3. soldering iron
  4. solder
  5. solder sucker (Elenco)
  6. tweezers and wire cutters
  7. helping hands
  8. tiptin
  9. something to clean your soldering iron
  10. perf board
  11. arduino (Makershed, Adafruit, Sparkfun)
  12. computer or laptop
This should get you started, and on your way to a whole new world of making.
Snap Circuits Inventory is in and ready for the Holiday Season!!
Get yours today.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Exciting News!

Today we open our new 
We are very excited to have
some wonderful products for you.

Click the link to the left of the screen under NEW STORE,
and enjoy shopping.

Please let us know if there is a problem or you'd like us to carry a certain product.

Thanks for all your wonderful support!


Saturday, November 5, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Exciting News

A picture of my 3x3x3 Led Cube Arduino Shield is going to be published in a book.

It's called Meet the Kinect.

Check out the book at
I can't wait to see it.

School Club

Today was the first day of my schools "MAKE" Club. There was 31 kids there. Lots more than I ever thought.
It was fun. They brainstormed and came up with a club name


Next week we are working on Origami, Snap Circuits and Breadboards. Should be fun!

Can't wait until Nov. 23rd - Mitch Altman is coming to talk to us! Awesome!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My Halloween Costume!

So here it is. It was a bit hard to get a good picture. I even had it hooked up to music - see the speakers on my shouders.
Everyone liked it. It was fun to make

Monday, October 31, 2011


(I will post my picture this afternoon!!)

Friday, October 21, 2011

Fun at Heatsync Labs

I got to teach Max how to use an Arduino tonight at Heatsync. That was fun. It was hard not to do it for him. Jacob keep reminding me to keep my hands off the computer! You learn better by doing it yourself. I hope Max had fun!

Thanks for coming Max. I hope you come back again.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Fun Days

I had a fun day today....

I got interviewed by the Arizona Republic Newspaper, and channel 12. It took a long time - but was fun. As soon as I know when it'll be out - I'll post a picture.

Watch this video - I did this yesterday..

Monday, October 17, 2011

COOL Picture from Maker Faire Phoenix

This picture was taken by Adam Patrick Murray. It's my table at the faire.

Mini Maker Faire Phoenix

FUN weekend! I got to see lots of my friends from which is alway awesome! I meet a few other kids my age. Hopefully they will come and check out heatsync.

I sold 15 kits! That was cool. I hope everyone that bought one is having fun with it. Don't forget to send pictures!

Get this...I got to shoot my Marshmallow Cannon thru the fire displays! The marshmallows didn't come out  roasted - just a little yellowish color.

Here is what the fire displays looked like and a picture of me at the Faire.

You can see the barrel of the cannon in the bottom right corner.
Thanks intel_jim for the great picture!

My mom and dad even helped out. They worked the Make Magazine booth.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mini Maker Faire Phoenix

Don't miss the first ever!!! Mini Maker Faire Phoenix.
Come say "hi"

I will be there with my Extreme Marshmallow Cannon and selling the 3x3x3 Cube Arduino Shields!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Ready to SHIP - Yippee

All the parts are in for the 3x3x3 Cube Arduino Shield..sorry for the delay.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

3x3x3 Cube Arduino Shield

They will be ready to ship out on Tuesday/Wednesday...Order yours now!!

Have fun making it!! :)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Hope everyone is doing great with there 3x3x3 Cube Arduino Shield.
I've been hard at work on my new Botmill. It's taking alot longer than I ever thought..but they guys at Botmill tell me I'm getting closer :)
I can't wait to show you what I make.
Here's what the Botmill looks like so far...

Oh, don't forget to send in your awesome pictures of your Cube!!!!

LOTS and LOTS of pieces!

There it is...

Thursday, September 22, 2011

3x3x3 Cube Arduino Shield

Hope everyone that bought my 1st kit is enjoying it!
Don't forget to send will be fun to share.

If you didn't get a kit and still want one - I'm still taking orders - it will just be a few weeks.

Thanks and Don't be BORED...MAKE Something!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

We are BACK!!

Wow what an AMAZING time we had at World Maker Faire in New York.

SOLD OUT of the 3x3x3 Cube Arduino Shields...but don't worry - more will be here in a few weeks!

I did an interview with Cognizant, ABC, New York Science Center and a few more.

I got 2 Editor's Choice Awards!!

Becky and ME!
Gareth and ME!

I got a Botmill!!! That was Awesome!!!!

Meet a cool guy from Arduino!

Sat on Awesome chair from our friends Greg and Tiago

Thanks World Maker Faire for an AWESOME weekend.
I'm sad I have to wait until May to do it again :(

Thursday, September 15, 2011


MAKER FAIRE here we come!!!!!
Very long day - but we are here and ready.
Fun tomorrow - a little sit seeing and then to Maker Faire!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

3x3x3 LED Cube Arduino Shield

Look at this!
Someone wanted me to Autograph there PCB! That was super cool!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Hi Guys...
4 more days until my mom and I leave for World Maker Faire in New York! I'm SO excited.
We are going to the Autism Speaks Head Quarter, Empire State Building and the World Trade Center Memorial.
If you are going - I hope to see you - come over and say HI and check out the 3x3x3 Cube Arduino Shield.

Have fun at World Maker Faire!!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Having Fun!!

The box of kits waiting to have the LED's tested.

Testing all the LED's.
WOW! That's alot of kits.
There're all ready for YOU!
Front of Package
Back of Package

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

3x3x3 LED Cube Arduino Shield

They are in, packed up, directions finished...

SOLD 1!! Woohoo
Thanks Jeff at Elenco Electronics.

49 more.

Friday, September 2, 2011

ORDER YOUR 3x3x3 LED Cube Arduino Shield TODAY!

This is the FIRST one!
I made it and tested it...It Works PERFECT!
Order yours NOW!


Joey's not home from school yet...look what just arrived!!!


Lots of people are checking my site out - thanks
I'm wondering....

How did you hear about me?

How did you find my website?

Please take a sec and leave a comment for me.

Thanks. I'm having fun!!!

3x3x3 LED Cube Arduino Shield UPDATE!!!

This has been cool watching it. but its HERE  in Az.
Sep 2, 2011 7:15 AM
At local FedEx facility
Sep 2, 2011 5:29 AM
At destination sort facility

Sep 1, 2011 10:33 PM
In transit
Aug 31, 2011 11:05 PM
At local FedEx facility
Aug 31, 2011 9:34 PM
Picked up

Aug 31, 2011 9:32 PM
Left FedEx origin facility
Aug 31, 2011 9:31 PM
Picked up
Aug 31, 2011 5:45 PM
Picked up

Desoldering Video

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


The new 3x3x3 led cube arduino shield board is on its way !!!!!!!!!
Thay will hope fuly be on sail on Monday!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Microchip Masters 2011

Joey is I'm (Joey's mom) going to try to post some pictures for him.

Joey brought his Extreme Marshmallow Cannon.
Roger from  Microchip wanted to catch the marshmallow in his mouth!
Joey with Roger Melcher from Microchip. He's showing Joey how Microchips are made.
Joey next to "The Bunny" suit. This is what you wear when you tour the lab.

This was a really cool booth. MikroElektronika.  They had some really cool stuff.
Joey really liked talking to these guys, can't wait to play with his new PIC32 board.
Thanks Aleksandar!

Joey got to meet the CEO of Microchip Steve Sanghi.
Really cool!
Thanks to everyone - especially Donna Mason for making this possible. 

Monday, August 22, 2011

I orderd the parts fore the 3x3x3 led cube arduino shield

I orderd the parts fore the 3x3x3 led cube arduino shield frome adafruit,sparkfun,but mostly frome Jameco electronics. Paul and Ms.Connie helped me place my order frome jameco.  Here is a picture of me on the phone placing the order with  Ms.Connie's help.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

pcb is done

 im finished with the 3x3x3 led cube arduino shield pcb and i ordered 60 of them

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Friday, August 19, 2011

Working at Heatsync Labs!!!

top ten day

My grandma and grandpa are funding the 3x3x3 led cube arduino shield. So this means that I can sell it at maker faire NY.yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! all i nead to do is order the parts ,make a how to ,and write a ccuple difrent codes.YAAAAAA!!!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Still Working On It

I'm having trouble findina a place to make the pcb for this. they have all be alot of money.
this board was made at as a practice.