Monday, December 30, 2013
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Happy Christmas
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Thank Intel for the article.
+Intel hires 16-year-old prodigy
Walden Kirsch
Employee Communications
December 24, 2013
You might say that 16-year-old math and engineering whiz kid Joey Hudy’s warm-up act was for U.S. President Barack Obama.
There, at the White House Science Fair last year, Joey demo’d for Mr. Obama the air cannon he’d built. “Congratulations!” exclaimed the President, after Joey fired a marshmallow over the heads of the press corps and smooshed it into a White House wall. (The video is on YouTube.)
16-year-old Joey Hudy. Photo by Gregory Hayes/MAKE.
But when the high school sophomore met Intel CEO Brian Krzanich at the Rome Maker Fairelast October, an impressed BK did the President one better.
BK hired Joey on the spot.
Joey is a champion “maker” whom the editors of recently named “one of the 10 smartest kids in the world.” In addition to building that marshmallow cannon (kid stuff), Joey has been doing more serious tinkering with Arduino boards (the platform for our new Quark chips) and selling them online. He also built a solar-powered computer in another science competition.
So last week—after previously dropping a thank-you note to BK—Joey Hudy attended New Employee Orientation (NEO) at Intel in Arizona.
He is the youngest person Intel has ever hired through our Corporate Internship Program, which traditionally is meant for talented college-age students. “We hope to forge a lasting relationship with Joey, and all our interns, as we support their professional development,” says Vaadra Martinez, U.S. Intern Program Manager in HR.
Says Thomas Ajluni, HR's senior talent advisor for the New Devices Group, "we delivered the offer last week and were pleased to get his acceptance."
Unlike the 1,500 or so other interns we’ll hire in the U.S. this year, Joey does not yet have his driver’s license. His mom Julie drove him to NEO.
At the Intel campus in Chandler, Joey will be working in the New Devices Group’s Product Development organization—once school is out this summer. He’ll go back to high school in the autumn.
After he got home last week, Joey posted on his blog——his thoughts on becoming a new Intel employee.
“What a awesome place. It was so fun. I can't wait to start making cool stuff!!”
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Maker Kids
Here are some awesome videos of what +Quin E. , Quinn's mom, Me, My mom +Julie Hudy , +Dale Dougherty and +massimo banzi think about Makerkids!
Have a very Happy Holiday!
Monday, December 16, 2013
Secrets out...
Today I attended Intel New Hire Orientation!!
What a awesome place. It was so fun. I can't wait to start making cool stuff!!
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Keynote Speaker
Friday, December 13, 2013
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Holiday Gifts
Monday, December 9, 2013
What's on you Holiday List
As you know I posted a Holiday List (with my mom) Well, we are very interested to hear what's on your Holiday List.
Please post below and we will +MAKE another list. It will be fun to see what everyone likes.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Holiday Gift Guide by Maker Mom
Joey has been really busy with school, so I'm going to do a Holiday Gift Guide this year. I will add in things I know Joey really likes too.
These are not in any order..just what comes to mind.
I'm sitting at Joey's desk printing on his 3d Printer from +Afinia3DPrint (have to do this while he's at school!)
~ +Afinia3DPrint This has been by far the best printer for Joey. He took it out of the box and it worked, and has continued to run hard. They came out with a new sticker think to put on the build plate, make the filement come off easier. That's a must too. While your at it, grab some fun colors of filement too.
~ +Arduino I am always amazed at how much you can do with an +Arduino This has become a 'staple' in any +MAKE house. Can't say I know how to use one - but I see tons of them at +Maker Faire .
~ Shamless Plug..working off the +Arduino you can purchase two of Joey's kits. The 3x3x3 LED Cube +Arduino Shield and the SMD LED +Arduino Shield. These are two great kits for Young Makers. They have both been "mom tested" which means I have made both of them!
~ Soldering Iron. This may seem very basic, but you do need soldering skill to do a lot of projects. Make sure that you read directions and be very careful - I don't want you to burn yourself.
~ +Raspberry Pi Joey uses this a lot too. Along the same lines is the new +Intel Galilio. Sorry, I have zero knowledge on these two items. I know they are really cool though!
~ Lock Picking Set from +Toool Joey has had hours of fun with this.
~ +MakeyMakey by +Eric Rosenbaum and +Jay Silver
This is soo much fun. Who would have thought you could make music with a banana! We had so much fun making music with hot peppers last year!
~ +MAKE Magazine. The gift that keeps giving! Make has changed how many times the magazine gets you will get it 6 times a year! Who wouldn't love that! - Oh, and the magazine is BIGGER!
A few of My Favorites:
~ Squishy Circuits Ok, the truth is, I can make this work! It's fun and instant gratification. Great for little makers to understand. Making the dough is also a great learning experience.
~ +littleBits TV by +Ayah Bdeir This is another great learning tool. I love when you can play with toys and learn at the same time! I have alot of fun playing with this one. :)
~ I really do like +MakerBot new scanner. I do alot of origami and it would be cool to scan and then print.
I have to stop myself - I think this could go on forever. There are so many fun toys out there, it just amazes me.
I may have to say the one thing that would be on the top top top of my list would be to take your family to a +Maker Faire That would be a wonderful gift. All the things I've mentioned above would be there, plus a zillion times more! You could play with all the toys and then decide what your favorite item is.
Some of you ask what is on Joey's Gift List this year. He is really into Dr. Who this year and loves the website +ThinkGeek He also likes LED's a lot! Also, anything from +SeeedStudio is a YES.
Happy Holidays. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Joey and I love to help you all!
Don't be bored...+Make Something!!
~Maker Mom
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Makershed HolidayGifts
You could even get my kits!
3x3x3 LED Cube Arduino Shield or the SMD LED Arduino Shield
Both awesome picks!
Monday, November 25, 2013
Light Bulb Vidoe
I made this for my History Class. I made all the broken piece and then reversed the video. I think it's pretty cool.
Monday, November 18, 2013
The Answer
Fun Give Away
What is my favorite thing?
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Schools are you LISTENING!!!!
in every school in the United States of America.
3D printing bundles into schools all across our nation.
Friday, November 15, 2013
White House Google Hangout
Today is the day!!
Don't be bored....+make something! #wethegeeks
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Saturday will be there Grand Opening, so getting a preview was awesome. I didn't want to leave. Here are some pictures. If you live near by - don't miss the
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
+White House Google Hangout..
Friday, November 8, 2013
Holy White House
Busy with school
Even though I'm not +MAKE ing everyday doesn't mean I've forgotten. My mom says that school is the most important right now.
That could be my next story..How do you +MAKE and go to school!
Talk soon!
Friday, November 1, 2013
Halloween 2013
I dress up as Dr. Who. My girlfriend Katie is the Tardis. I think her dress is pretty awesome - she made the whole thing! I told her she should put it on +Instructables or +MAKE Projects.
Hope everyone had a fun and safe time trick or treating! I don't think you should ever be too old to trick or treat!! :)
Maker Faire Rome! BLAST
Don't be bored...+Make Something!!
Having trouble uploading this video..sorry you have to use the link.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
My First MAKE Blog Post
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Maker Faire Rome!
Here are some pictures of my visit...
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My first Cappuccino |
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+Dale Dougherty speech |
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Chocoate made with Robot mold |
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Maker Faire Rome
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Maker Faire New York 2013
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+DavidLang signed his book Zero to Maker +David Lang |
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We played with this cool project using a that showed you with a mustache. |
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My favorite Piaya (yup spelled that wrong) |
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Fun time with +massimo banzi Can't wait for +Maker Faire Rome next week |
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The best part of the weekend - got to hang with +Robert DeMartin |
The crew food was awesome! |
Gave a talk on my 3d body scanner |
Crew after party was great. +Nick Raymond |
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+Dale Dougherty is the coolest guy |
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Another year of crazy photos with +Jason Babler |
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+Jason Babler |